SOMA Orthopedics
Medical Group Inc.
Office Visit:
As part of your initial visit, you will be asked to provide your insurance information. Please bring in your insurance card and identification. If required by your insurance, you will also need to bring your referral.
To facilitate gathering the information, you can download and fill in the demographics sheet ahead of tome.
If you have X-rays, MRI's, or medical letters/reports, please bring them to your visit.
Once your insurance information has been verified, you will be prompted to enter your medical information into the computers found in the waiting area. The computers have touch sensitive screens, and also work the attached mouse. The computers are securely connected to our internal network and your medical information will not be compromised.
Afterwards, you will be seen by our staff who will ask you about your medical history and your symptoms. A focused examination will then be made by your doctor.
While many patients want to discuss in great detail the exact event which may have caused their injury, the most important information your health care team needs involves your symptoms (such as where you have pain, weakness, numbness, etc.) and what limitations these symptoms place on your every day activities. Please take the time to write down this information.
After reviewing your medical history and diagnostic tests, you will be presented with a number of treatment options. We will inform you of the risks and benefits of each option and will assist you in making the final decision concerning which option is best for you.
Driving Directions:
Enter your address and press the "Get Directions" button to generate written door-to-door directions and a map for you to follow.