SOMA Orthopedics
Medical Group Inc.
knee replacement
is a total knee replacement?
A total
knee replacement (video), also known as a knee
arthroplasty, is the most common joint
replacement surgery performed in the United
States. Since it’s advent in the late
1960's, millions of patients with
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and post
traumatic arthritis have benefited from knee
replacements. Historically, knee replacements
were only indicated in patients older than 65
years with end stage osteoarthritis.
Technological advances and procedural
improvements have expanded these indications to
include younger patients with a variety of
diseases involving the knee. Many patients with
night pain, pain at rest, difficulty performing
ADL’s or the inability to enjoy their
customary hobbies and sporting activities are
excellent candidates for a total knee
is involved in total knee replacement?
knee arthroplasty is a surgical procedure
(video) designed to remove the
diseased portions of the femur, tibia and
patella. The procedure is also a powerful method
to correct any alignment abnormalities giving
patients a more symmetrical, normal gait. Prior
to the surgery, the orthopaedic surgeon will
carefully evaluate the patient and his/her
radiographs for conditions that should be
addressed during the procedure. Whereas
conventional incisions for this procedure have
been quite extensile, minimally invasive
techniques help reduce the surgical dissection
required.. These techniques are not only
important for aesthetics, but also for better
post-operative pain control and immediate
post-operative rehabilitation. During the
procedure, the orthopaedic surgeon removes the
diseased portions of the tibia and femur. The
articular surfaces are replaced with metallic
components which are designed to mimic the
anatomic and physiologic features of the native
knee. A plastic liner is secured to the tibial
component. The new “joint” is the
articulation between the liner and the femoral
component. The patella may or may not be
resurfaced depending on the etiology and
extensive nature of the disease.
New advancements in knee replacement surgery has
incorporated the use of modified plastics and
metals such as ceramics for better wear
characteristics and longer survival of implants.
to expect after Total Knee Replacement surgery ?
important factor for patients in deciding whether
to have a hip replacement is understanding what the
procedure can and can"t do. For most types of knee
replacements, the patient is highly encouraged to
walk the day after surgery. Hospitalization is
approximately 3-6 days and is tailored to the
individual capabilities and needs of each patient.
Extensive participation with physical therapy is
required for an optimal result. As far out as 10
years, greater than 97% of patients will experience
a dramatic reduction of hip pain and a significant
improvement in their ability to perform common
activities of daily living. Patients will be asked
to refrain from high impact activities but will be
able to perform many other types of sporting
activist such as brisk walking, golfing, doubles
tennis and even skiing on appropriate terrain.